New Book Project
I’ve been working on a new book. Actually - this was the first book idea I had before I signed the contract to write Sheep, Shepherd & Land. But at the time it didn’t seem like the right fit - so it’s been something swirling around in my brain for a long time.
The concept of the book was originally based on a lecture that I’ve been doing for many years - The True Cost of Wool
Many years ago (I think it was early 2019) I was working in the mill and received a DM from someone on Instagram making a comment about how expensive my wool was. It wasn't the first time I had heard this critique so it didn't bother me. I wanted to write back "Do you know what goes in to making this yarn? And the 'cheap yarn' you are referencing doesn't require any less resources - it just means you are not paying the TRUE COST of that yarn"
I didn't respond with that - but I jotted down a little note to myself and stuck it on the cone winder machine.
That sticky note and the feeling I was left with from that conversation was this idea that as knitters/crocheters/fibre artists we don't often realize what it actually costs to make yarn - and how and who is taking on those true costs.
I decided to dig into that question and try to expose the supply chain and the costs associated with making yarn in my lecture. The suggestion was made that I turn it into a small book/booklet and basically dig deeper on the research and make it available in book format.
I’m working with Nine Ten Publications again and so thankful that such a supportive publisher exists and they are keen to get this information out into the world. I don’t have a date of release yet - but my first manuscript deadline is fast approaching. If you want an early look into this work you can support my research and writing on Patreon.